News / Announcements / Upcoming Events:
Note: If you were not able to be there on Sept 8, you may pick yours up in the church office.
Sunday School wouldn’t be a success without our volunteers! We are looking for people to help with specific projects (helping with activities, being that extra set of hands in a classroom, helping with memory work, taking attendance, etc), please contact Stacy Knudson, Pastor Chris, or the church office – or stop in the office on Sunday morning to sign up. We can always use a spare pair of hands!
There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex to sign up to bring two dozen treats, serve and/or cleanup on Sunday mornings. You can choose which Sunday works best for you. If you have questions, please contact the church office.
Check out the Beautiful Savior little library! There are a variety of books for everyone. It is located by the east entrance into the church parking lot.
The LWML invites you to save your used postage stamps (yes, the stamps that come on your incoming mail every day). Just tear off the corner of the envelope, keeping the whole stamp in tack with at least a 1/4 inch border around it. Place these used stamps in the appropriate drawer of the plastic drawer cabinet that is located next to the LWML kiosk. These stamps are actually sold at auctions to collectors and bring in cash for the LWML Mites program.
With classes from pre-kindergarten to eighth grade, Grace Lutheran School is a wonderful option for Christ-centered education. As part of its mission, BSLC offers tuition remission for GLS.
If you would like to apply for GLS tuition assistance for the 2024-2025 school year, please fill out an application form and return it to the church by April 15. If you have any questions about the application form or about our policy, please call Pastor Chris at the church office at 293-1047 or his cell at (701) 893-6995.
The food pantry at Beautiful Savior could use a few items: canned tuna, canned fruit, rice or potato packets and canned soup. If you are able to help with these needed items, you may drop them off in the collection container in the narthex. Thank you so much for helping restock our shelves.
Please let the church office know when you plan to leave for the winter so that you will still receive any correspondence from the church. The church has to pay the post office 63 cents for each piece of mail returned. You can also let the church know if you would like the e-mail version of the newsletter while you are out of town. Thank you for keeping the church updated while you travel!
Do we have your current phone number, email and mailing address? If you have moved, got rid of your landline/old phone number or have a new email address, please let us know.
The presenter will be Nonda Mack, Senior Engagement Officer from Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch.