News / Announcements / Upcoming Events:

Please note:    – Make sure to check the calendar for weekly activities, meetings and Bible study times.
                         Youth and Sunday School announcements are located under the “Get Involved” tab.
                        – For descriptions of Bible studies currently being offered, look under the “Get Involved” tab.
Newsletter Articles due:  (July 20)
If you have something you would like included in the upcoming newsletter, please submit your article(s) by the 20th of the month.
LYF Thunder Road Night:  (Aug 5)              Sign up Today
Save the date for the LYF zone back-to-school youth event at Thunder Road on Monday, August 5 from 6:30 – 8:30pm.  This event is for youth who will be grades 6 -12 in the fall.  Enjoy laser tag, miniature golf, go-cart rides, batting cages and more, along with a Bible study.  Parents: please drop off and pick up your kids from Thunder Road.  Cost is $20 for 5 tickets.  Snacks will be provided. 
Click here for the Registration Form or pick one up in the narthex.  Return completed form to the church office before Sunday, August 4.
Jr High & High School Encounter Camps:  (July 28-Aug 2)
All Beautiful Savior students who will enter grade seven or above should consider attending an Encounter Camp at Shepherd’s Hill at the Crossroads.  High School Encounter Camp runs from Sunday, July 28 through Friday, Aug 2.  Join us as we encounter God through word, world, worship and recreation encounters.  Make new friends.  Learn leadership skills and spend time being fed by God’s Word in a camp setting!  BSLC has scholarship money available to help offset the cost.  See Pastor Chris for more information.
Spring Cleaning:  (Going on Now)
Volunteers are needed to spring clean the church above and beyond what the custodian cleans weekly.  This includes classrooms, fellowship hall and the church yard.  Stop in for a half an hour or half a day.  Task sheets will be posted in each room.  Return the sheets to the office when all the tasks have been completed.  Thank you for volunteering to clean God’s house.
Are You on our Email List?
In addition to various correspondence, we email our bulletin and announcements each week to all our members.  If you are not receiving them, please let us know and we will get you on our email list. 
Call (701) 293-1047 or email to be added to our email list.
Coffee Club meets on Friday Mornings:   (Fridays 9:00am)   Note the New Location
BSLC members, men and women of any age, are invited to gather on Friday mornings at 9:00 am at the Fryin’ Pan, 2920 Highway 10, Moorhead.  Please join us!  Everyone is welcome!  Feel free to bring a friend.
Sign Up to bring Treats on Sunday Morning:   (Sign Up Today)
There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex to sign up to bring two dozen treats, serve and/or cleanup on Sunday mornings.  You can choose which Sunday works best for you.  If you have questions, please contact the church office.
Summer Worship Schedule:  (Now thru Labor Day) 
Our summer worship schedule runs from Memorial Day thru Labor Day.  We offer a Wednesday evening worship service at 7pm.  We will only have 1 worship service on Sundays at 9am during the summer.  Bible study will be held after the service at 10:15am. 
Please note:  The Wednesday service is the “first” service of the week and is identical in music, liturgy and sermon to the following Sunday service.  (ie: Wednesday, May 22 is identical to Sunday, May 26.)
Read our Newsletters Online:  (July newsletter is now available)
The newsletters are available on our website under the “Resources” tab.  Click here to read this month’s newsletter, or any of our past newsletters.
Shepherd’s Hill Summer Camps:  (Register today for 2024)
Shepherd’s Hill at the Crossroads (St. John, ND) offers camps for all ages each summer.  For a full list and description of all their camp programs, pricing and registration information, check out the bulletin board/brochures in the narthex or visit their website: www.shretreat.orgIf you have any questions, call at (701) 244-5225 or email their Executive Director, Rev. Jon Bonine at
Lutheran Island Camps:  (Register today for 2024)
Lutheran Island Camp (Henning, MN) offers camps for all ages each summer.  If you are interested in their Horse program, be sure to register early as these weeks are sure to fill up.  For a full list and description of all of their summer camp programs and registration, visit their website:  There are great programs for all ages. 
Beautiful Savior Little Library is Open:  (Summer)
Check out the Beautiful Savior little library!  There are a variety of books for everyone.  It is located by the east entrance into the church parking lot.
Portals of Prayer:  (Pick yours up today)
The Portals of Prayer for July – September 2024 is now available in the narthex.  Feel free to pick one up the next time you’re in the building.
Memorial Committee Members Wanted:  (Going on Now)
The church has received and continues to receive memorial donations.  Some of these donations have recommendations on how they should be used while others are to be used at the church’s discretion.  These donations are not included in our general funds.  We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in helping us select items with the memorial donations.  Please prayerfully consider if you can help with this task.  If you are interested, please contact Pastor Chris, Mike Schlichtmann or the church office. 

Beautiful Savior Apparel:  (Available in Church Office)

There are a few spare t-shirts, Polo Shirts and half-zip long-sleeve shirts available in the church office for purchase.  Sizes are limited for the ones in the office.  But, you can purchase and take yours home today if you find the one that fits.  T-shirts are $15.00 and the other items are priced.  

Please Save Your Used Stamps:

The LWML invites you to save your used postage stamps (yes, the stamps that come on your incoming mail every day).  Just tear off the corner of the envelope, keeping the whole stamp in tack with at least a 1/4 inch border around it.  Place these used stamps in the appropriate drawer of the plastic drawer cabinet that is located next to the LWML kiosk.  These stamps are actually sold at auctions to collectors and bring in cash for the LWML Mites program. 

What a simple way to support the LWML !
Grace Tuition Assistance:    (Deadline:  Apr 15)

With classes from pre-kindergarten to eighth grade, Grace Lutheran School is a wonderful option for Christ-centered education. As part of its mission, BSLC offers tuition remission for GLS.

If you would like to apply for GLS tuition assistance for the 2024-2025 school year, please fill out an application form and return it to the church by April 15. If you have any questions about the application form or about our policy, please call Pastor Chris at the church office at 293-1047 or his cell at (701) 893-6995. 

We expect that BSLC scholarships would cover between 50-60 percent of tuition, but it depends on how many families apply. We will let the families know how much tuition assistance they will be receiving from the church in early summer. 
2024 Altar Flower Sign Up Chart:
Consider signing up for a bouquet on the chancel in memory or honor of a loved one.  The flower chart is located outside the office on the bulletin board.  The cost is $30, and you can take your bouquet home after the second service on Sunday.  You can designate the money for altar flowers and place it in the offering plate or mail it to the church office.  Please return the vase to the church after you are done enjoying the bouquet.
BSLC Choir:  (Wednesdays 7:30pm)    
If you are interested in singing in the Beautiful Savior Choir, show up on Wednesday at 7:30pm.
We practice each Wednesday evening from 7:30-8:30pm.  If you have any questions, contact Mary Seiffert or the church office.
Scam Alert:  (Posted March 28)
We have received information that there is a scam occurring that sounds as if it is coming from Pastor Chris.  We would never send out texts or emails that would ask you for a favor or to purchase gift cards, send cash, or the like.  If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
Sunday School Volunteers Needed:  (Going on Now)
Sunday School wouldn’t be a success without our volunteers!  We are looking for people to help with specific projects (helping with activities, being that extra set of hands in a classroom, helping with memory work, taking attendance, etc), please contact Stacy Knudson, Pastor Chris, or the church office – or stop in the office on Sunday morning to sign up.  We can always use a spare pair of hands!
Confirmation Classes:  (Wednesdays Sept-Apr) 
As a part of our education ministry, BSLC offers confirmation classes for students in seventh through ninth grades.  If you have a child in those classes, please have them join us in-person Wednesdays from 6:15-7:30 pm.  If you have any questions, please talk with Pastor Chris.
Concordia Seminary “Adopt a Student” Update:  (posted Nov 2023)
Beautiful Savior has committed to sponsor Andrew Freriches in his last year in the seminary.  
Please pray for him and feel free to send notes, cards or gifts to encourage him as he prepares to serve in the Office of the Holy Ministry.  Make sure to let him know you are from Beautiful Savior!  If you would like to send a message to Andrew, call the church office or see the bulletin board for his mailing address.
Lutheran Youth Fellowship (Grades 6-12):  (Wednesdays Sept-Apr)
“Destination Unknown”:  Every Wednesday after confirmation class, youth in grades 6-12 can participate in a youth group adventure from 7:30-9 pm.  Each week, we will travel to a different surprise destination where we will have an activity and short devotion.  We will return to church for games, snacks and faith sharing.  For more information, please see Pastor Chris.  Hope to see you all there!
Enroll your Child(ren) at Grace Lutheran School:  (Registrations taken year round)
With over 500 young people in our association churches, many of them can benefit greatly from an education based here at Grace Lutheran School.  Let us take you for a tour of the school to get an idea of what Grace Lutheran is like.  We have needs based financial aid with over $100,000 available for your students to attend Grace!   Give us a call and set up a Care Visit today!   Their website is:
Join us for Sunday School:  
BSLC offers a Sunday School program for children ages 3 and up during the school year (Sept – May).  Sunday School meets from 9:30-10:30 am on Sunday mornings (conveniently scheduled between our two Worship Services).  If you have a child age 3 and up, sign them up for Sunday School.  Click here to print the Registration Form or you can pick one up in the Narthex at the church.  Drop off or mail the completed form to the church office or bring it with you on a Sunday morning.  If you have any questions, please contact the church office. 
Thank You from Dorothy Day Food Pantry:  (Oct 2023)
The Dorothy Day food pantry would like to thank our congregation for the food donations.  During the month of October, our members donated 369 pounds of food to be given to their facility.  Thank you to everyone who brought in food items and showed support for this local organization!
Previous years:   2022 = 368 lbs     2021 = 185 lbs     2020 = 301 lbs     2019 = 230 lbs
GLS “Growing Together in Grace” Pledge Cards: (posted Summer 2023)
The members of BSLC were mailed a “Growing Together in Grace” pledge sheet.  At a special Voters’ meeting in May, BSLC members agreed to launch a three-year capital campaign to raise pledges and donations of $50,000 from BSLC members, to be matched by an anonymous donor, for a total support of $100,000.  Please  prayerfully consider how you can support this three-year capital campaign.  Please fill out the pledge sheet and return it to the church office by placing it in the offering plate or mailing it back to the church.  If you have any questions, contact the church.
Music Ministry Leaders Needed:  (Going on Now) 
Beautiful Savior is in need of music ministry leaders for adult choir, Crossfire, and the children’s Christmas Program.  Prayerfully consider if you could share your gifts, talents and step up in any of these positions.  If you want more information on any of these positions, visit with Pastor Chris or leave your name in the church office. 
BSLC Food Pantry Needs:  (posted June 13)

The food pantry at Beautiful Savior could use a few items: canned tuna, canned fruit, rice or potato packets and canned soup.  If you are able to help with these needed items, you may drop them off in the collection container in the narthex.  Thank you so much for helping restock our shelves.

Thrivent Choice Dollars:    (March 31 deadline for last year’s choice dollars)
If you are a Thrivent member and are eligible for Thrivent Choice dollars, please go to or contact your representative to have your Thrivent Choice dollars designated to Beautiful Savior.  These extra donations add up and are of great assistance to our General Fund.
You can setup your designation anytime during the year.  Please note the deadline to assign your 2024 Choice Dollars is March 31, 2025.
Listen to our Sermons on our website or iTunes:
Want to listen to the most current sermon – or one from the past few years?  Just go under the “Worship” tab and choose “Past Sermons (Listen)”.  Scroll down to the sermon you’d like to listen to, make sure your volume is on, and enjoy! 
Beautiful Savior sermons are also available as a podcast on iTunes.  You can listen to one of our posted sermons while at the lake, on a road trip or even while you’re on your exercise machine.  Go to the iTunes app, and search for “Beautiful Savior Fargo” and click on “Subscribe”. 
Note:  Look for the podcast with the picture of our stain glass window at the front of our church.
Please Check out the Lost and Found Box located in the Narthex:  (Going on Now)
Have you misplaced a clothing item, coat, gloves, sunglasses or other items?  Check out the lost and found bin and claim your lost item.  Jewelry or smaller items can be found on the window ledge of the church office.   Any unclaimed items will be donated to the Boys and Girls Ranch Thrift Store.
Going South for the Winter?
Please let the church office know when you plan to leave for the winter so that you will still receive any correspondence from the church.  The church has to pay the post office 63 cents for each piece of mail returned.  You can also let the church know if you would like the e-mail version of the newsletter while you are out of town.  Thank you for keeping the church updated while you travel!
Read our Newsletters Online: 
Do you currently receive the newsletter in the mail and would prefer to read it in a digital format?  If so, just let the office know and we can add you to our newsletter email group.  Instead of receiving the newsletter in the mail, we would send you an email with the newsletter attached.
The newsletters are also available on our website under the “Resources” tab.  Click here to read this month’s newsletter, or any of our past newsletters.
Congratulations Pastor Chris:  (June 22, 2023)
June 22 is the 15th anniversary of Pastor Chris’ installation.  Wish him congratulations!  We will recognize his anniversary at a later date.
LCMS “Reporter” Articles on the War in Ukraine & Option to Donate:  
The “Reporter” is the Official Newspaper of The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.  We are posting the link to their articles regarding the war in Ukraine here:
LCMS International Mission Webpage:  War in Ukraine
Click here to make a monetary donation online to help LCMS Mission Advancement with their efforts to provide assistance to our Christian brothers and sisters in Ukraine.
Make a New Years Resolution to Get Involved with the Church:
Do you want to be more involved in the church and don’t know how to get started?  Pick up a “Volunteer Opportunity” form in the narthex.  Or click here and print it at home Turn the completed form in to the church office and someone will contact you.  If you have any questions, call the church office, visit with a pastor or a member of the church council.  Thank you for your time and for sharing of your talents.
Portals of Prayer Available on an App:
“Portals of Prayer” is now available on your digital device!  In addition to relevant and easy-to-read meditations, you can listen to recordings of each day’s Bible readings, devotion, and prayer.  You can also search past devotions by keyword, save your favorites, share prayers, and access seven years of “Portals of Prayer” devotions.  Available on the App Store or Google Play.  The cost is $9.99 for a 1 year subscription.
Please Update Your Contact Information:
Do we have your current phone number, email and mailing address?  If you have moved, got rid of your landline/old phone number or have a new email address, please let us know. 
If you go south for the winter or move to the lake for the summer, please let the church office know.  Newsletters are not forwarded, and the church is charged $.62 each time one comes back.  By letting the office know, a newsletter can be emailed to you each month until you return home.  Thanks!
BSLC Worship Services Available on YouTube:
We hope you will join us in-person for worship to hear the Word and receive the Sacraments.  However, if you are unable to attend in-person, our services are available online on our YouTube channel.  If you have a Smart TV or casting device, you can also watch them on your TV.
Note: For those needing closed captioning… YouTube’s closed captioning [cc] feature is not available to turn on until approx. 24 hours after the live stream has ended.
Our YouTube channel is located at:
Our bulletins are available at:
Congregational Memory Verse Challenge:
The church confesses to Christ, “You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68).  The church is encouraged to “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly…” (Colossians 3:16).  Psalm 1 teaches us to meditate on God’s Word day and night.  It is our great opportunity and joy to read and study God’s Word.  One beneficial practice is to memorize the Scriptures and, in so doing, to meditate on it.
The LCMS invites everyone to join together memorizing a verse each week.  Click here for this month’s verses.
Follow us on Facebook:
Did you know Beautiful Savior has a Facebook page?  In addition to our website, it’s a great place to see what’s going on at our church.  It gives you a direct link to sermons when they have been posted and also reminds you when events are coming up.  Go to our Facebook page and click “Follow” so our posts come thru on your Facebook feed:  Click here to go to our Facebook page.
Harlan and Esther Wallum Scholarship Fund: 
Are you thinking about where you or your  children may go for college?  Consider one of our LCMS universities.  Grants are available to assist youth and adults who wish to begin or continue their education from an LCMS university or seminary.  Applications are available in the church office.
Properties Committee Members Needed:  (Volunteer Now)
We are in need of individuals to help serve on a properties committee.  If you would be interested in serving on this committee, please contact Scott Persoon, Mike Schlichtmann, Pastor Chris, or any member of the Church Council.
Stephen Ministry Volunteers Needed: 
Do you have a heart for people?  Do you have an hour a week to help?  Would you like to use your God-given talents for the glory of God and benefit of a congregation member?  Then becoming a Stephen Minister may be for you!
Stephen Ministers are not pastors or counselors, they simply listen and support individuals, in times of trial and need.
Stephen Ministers typically meet with a care receiver for one hour each week.  If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister or have questions about Stephen Ministry, please visit with Pastor Chris.  All those who want to serve as Stephen Ministers must fill out an application which can be picked up from the church office. 
Mentors Needed for New Members:
The evangelism committee is looking for families or individuals to mentor new members.  If you think you would be interested in helping, please email  Thanks.
Main Street Living North: 
Main Street Living North is a Lutheran Television Program that is endorsed by the LCMS.  MSLN broadcasts each Sunday at 9:00 am, followed by “This Is Your Life” program at 9:30 am on TV station KVRR.  MSLN is also broadcast on WDAY Xtra with “This Is Your Life” program at 10 am followed by the “Main Street Living” worship service. 
The program is financially supported through donations given by the viewers and congregations of the viewing area.  The sermons and songs are video’d in advance and are then used in a future broadcast of the program.  The choir is composed of members of the local churches – you do not have to be part of our choir in order to participate.  If you would like more information about MSLN or want to watch this week’s broadcast, go to:  Once there, you can watch the current week’s broadcast with the links at the bottom of the screen.  Or you can access previous broadcasts from prior months by using the drop-down menu at the top of the screen and choosing “Watch Main Street Living” under the “Main Street Living” tab at the top of the screen.  Or use this link:  (Depending on your web browser, the drop down menu might show as a set of 3 lines at the top of the page.  If so, just click on the 3 lines to access the drop-down menu.)
To donate:  Financial Support checks may be sent to “Main Street Living North”, 821  5th Ave. S., Fargo, ND  58103.  You can also donate by credit card or a Paypal account at: you and God’s blessing in Christ!
Military Addresses Needed:
Do you have a family member in the military?  The LWML would like their address so that they can send cards of encouragement to them.  Please leave their address on the church office desk or email them to the church.  Thank you.
No Food or Drinks in the Sanctuary:
Please help to keep the sanctuary pews and chairs clean by not bringing food or beverages in the sanctuary.  If something should happen to get spilled, please clean up after yourself.  Thank you for helping us keep the Lord’s House clean and looking nice.
Prayer Chain and Announcements:
If you have a concern or joy and would like our prayer warriors to pray for you or others, please e-mail the office, and your prayer will be sent out on the e-mail chain.  Also please e-mail updates to the office or the pastors so it can be shared with our prayer warriors.  Please let the church office know by Wednesday if you have joys or concerns to put in our weekly announcements.  The petitions will run weekly until you ask to have them removed from the list.  Our church members appreciate the chance to pray for our special needs and joys.  Prayer is powerful. 
Opportunities to Get Involved at BSLC:
Have you thought you might enjoy singing with the choir or playing in the praise band? Do you have a gift for prayer, sewing, gardening, working with children or teens, or planning activities? These are just some of the ways you can contribute your gifts and talents at Beautiful Savior. For a more complete list of opportunities, take a look under the “Get Involved” tab of this website.  Or if you would like to learn more about any of these or want to know how you can serve our congregation, please visit with Claudia Schroeder or any member of the Church Council. 
1 Corinthians 12:27 “Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”
Do you have Pictures from Church Events?
If you have pictures from church events and are willing to share them, please let the office know.
You just never know where we might use them…  Thanks!
College Student’s Address:
Do you have a child in college?  Please leave your child’s new college address with the church office.  This will allow us to keep in contact with them as well as to notify the campus ministry so they can make contact with your child.
Join the OCC Prep Team:   (August 5, 12 & 19)
Everyone is welcome to help begin preparing for our Operation Christmas Child Packing Party in November.  Tasks will vary each week and may include sorting, counting, organizing, assembling, removing packaging and more.  Come for as long as you are able on any of these Mondays:
August 5, 12 & 19 from 5-7pm.  More OCC prep team dates will be added in the fall.  Stay tuned for more opportunities to help.
Fellowship and Quilting:  (August 8)
Next quilting date is Thursday, August 8 from 10:30 am to 2:00 pm (you do not have to stay the whole time).  This is open to all women of the church.  Bring a friend or two if you want!  Being a quilter is NOT a requirement as much conversation and fellowship is involved.  Come help cut squares or tie the quilts.  We donate quilts to local organizations and sell them to members.  If there is a silent auction we can donate a quilt for, we are happy to do so.  If you have any questions, please contact Donna at 232-2464.
F-M Bach Choir:  (Aug 8, 2024)
The F-M Bach Choir will perform on Thursday, August 8 at 7pm at Immanuel Lutheran Church. This concert will celebrate the 300th anniversary of the first two Lutheran hymnals (published in 1724).  Music will feature settings of hymns from these hymnals, including Bach’s cantata Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (Savior of the Nations, Come), BWV 62; choruses from cantatas Es ist das Heil (Salvation Unto Us Has Come), BWV 9, and Aus tiefer Not schrei ich zu dir (Out of the Depths I Cry to You), BWV 38; and choir and congregational settings of Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice and Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands.
Church Potlucks:  (Aug 14)
Save the Date and Plan to Attend:  There will be a church potluck before worship on Wednesday, August 14 starting at 5:30pm in the fellowship hall.
Get to know your fellow BSLC family by enjoying some food and fellowship with them.
Grilled hamburgers and brats will be provided.  Bring a dish or dessert to share and enjoy a meal and fellowship with your church family!
Gold Club:  (Aug 21) 
Join us Wednesday, July 17 at noon for a potluck luncheon.  Bring your specialty dish to share with others.  Gold Club is a time to get together and enjoy food, faith and fellowship.  Invite a friend, Gold Club is for anyone!
Church Potluck Picnic at Rheault Farm:  (Sept 8)
Save the Date and Plan to Attend:  Join us on Sunday, September 8 at noon for a Rally Sunday Picnic at Rheault Farm!  
Get to know your fellow BSLC family by enjoying some food and fellowship with them.
Grilled hamburgers and brats will be provided.  Bring a dish or dessert to share and enjoy a meal and fellowship with your church family!
2024 ND LWML Fall Retreat:  (Sept 13-15)
Save the Dates:  The 2024 ND LWML Fall Retreat will be held Sept 13-15 in Grand Forks.
Watch for more details as the event gets closer.
Ladies – Come check out LWML:  (Sept 19 – 6:00 pm)
LWML typically meets on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6 pm from September thru May.  All women regardless of age are invited to join.  Even if you can’t attend every meeting, you are still welcome to come as it fits your schedule.  There are lots of activities coming up – so even if you can’t attend the monthly meetings, consider teaming up on a committee to help make things happen.  Your participation in LWML is a great way to make new friends within the church.  And, at the same time, you will be Serving the Lord! 
Loose Change Sundays:  (Sun Sep 29)
Mites Sunday occurs during the months that have 5 Sundays and is called “Loose Change Sunday”!  Please bring your loose change or dollars on those Sundays and place it in the Mites Box.  On a weekly basis, the Mites Box is located across the hall from the church office and you are welcome to drop off loose change into the box at any time – it does not have to be on Loose Change Sunday.  Thank you to all who have dropped their loose change into the Mites Box.  Combined Mite Box donations amount to millions of dollars that fund district and national mission grants.  To see a list of the current recipients of the Mite Box donations, go to the “Get Involved / LWML” page of this website.
LWML Fall Rally:  (Oct 12)
Save the Date and Plan to Attend:  The LWML Zone Fall Rally will be held on Saturday, October 12 at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Fargo, ND.  Watch for more details as the event gets closer.
LWML Fall Luncheon:  (Oct 26)
Save the Date and Plan to Attend:  The Beautiful Savior Fall Luncheon is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, Oct 26 at 10am.  Proceeds will go to Women’s Care Center.  Let the church office know if you are interested in hosting a table.   Watch for more information as the event gets closer.
Munchies for Missions:  (Dec 8)
Save the Date:  The Munchies for Missions event will be held on Sunday, December 8.  Proceeds will go to Grace Lutheran School.
LWML Convention 2025: (June 26-29, 2025)
Save the Date and Plan to Attend.   The LWML 41st Biennial Convention will be held in Omaha, NE on June 26-29, 2025.  The theme for this year is “Growing in God’s Grace”.  The logo, based on 2 Peter 3:18, features green leaves sprouting up in new growth with the Lutheran Women in Mission icon blossoming from the leaves.   Watch for more details as the event gets closer.
National Youth Gathering 2025:  (July 19-23, 2025
Save the Dates:  The National Youth Gathering will be held July 19-23, 2025 in New Orleans.  The theme this time is: Endure!
The “Chosen” Video Series:  (Sundays 5:45pm)     Will resume in Fall 2024
See the Bible come to life through “The Chosen” video series beginning Sunday, _____.  We will begin season four and watch one episode each week followed by a brief discussion.  Bring a dish to share and we will have a potluck meal starting at 5:45 pm, watch the nightly episode at 6 pm, discussion at 7 pm and end our discussions by 7:30 pm each week in the fellowship hall.  Bring your family and friends for a night of fellowship and faith.
Evangelism and Stewardship Meeting:  (Apr 29)
There will be a joint Evangelism and Stewardship meeting on Monday, April 29 at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall.  We will be discussing upcoming summer picnics, BSLC gear and more!  Everyone is welcome to attend.
Sing-A-Long at Sheyenne Crossings Care Center:  (cancelled due to covid outbreak)
Save the Date:  We will be going to Sheyenne Crossings Care Center (125 West 13th Ave, West Fargo) on Sunday, June 30 at 3pm to sing patriotic songs in recognition of Flag Day.  All members of the congregation are invited to come for the sing-a-long followed by cookies!
Note:  Please arrive by 2:45pm so we can begin at 3pm.