Hey Kids – Check out what’s going on at the church!

Sunday School Children to Sing during Services:  (Oct 27)
The Sunday school children in grades Pre-K thru 3rd grade will be singing before both services on Sunday, October 27.  Please have your child(ren) here by 8:00 am that morning for them to rehearse and to line up.  After they are done singing, they will sit with their parents for the worship service.  Even if you attend the 1st service, please allow them to stay for the first few minutes of 2nd service to sing at that time too.  Thank you.
Trunk Or Treat Event:  (Oct 30)
Save the Date and Plan to Attend:  Can’t wait to dress up and get some candy?  Beautiful Savior will be hosting its annual Trunk or Treat on Wednesday, October 30 from 6:30-8 pm.  Pre-school to fifth graders can come show off your costume, grab some treats and play games in a fun, safe  environment.  Sixth through twelfth-graders can decorate a car and hand out candy from your trunk.  Adults can help with games, crafts, treats, or decorate a car and pass out candy too.  We need 20 cars to make this a success.  Sign up in the church office or contact Pastor Chris for more details. 
Children Christmas Programs:  (Dec 22)    Practice begins Nov 3  ~ Sign up your kids today!
Save the date for the BSLC Children’s Christmas programs.  They will be held during the 8:15 or 10:45 am worship service on Sunday, Dec. 22.  Practice will begin Sunday, Nov. 3 during Sunday School.  Click here for the Registration form or pick one up in the narthex.  Please let Stacy Knudson know if your child will be able to participate.
Bibles for third-graders:  (Sept 8)
Note:  If you were not able to be there on Sept 8, you may pick yours up in the church office. 
The scriptures implore us to keep the Word of the Lord in front of us as a constant reminder of how much God does for us, especially salvation through Jesus Christ.  God’s word is also a means of grace, by which God works faith in us.  Because God’s word is such a special gift, all third grade children received a Bible on Rally Sunday.  
Sunday School:  (Starts Sept 8)   Register your kids Today! 
BSLC offers a Sunday School program for children ages 3 and up during the school year (Sept – May).  Sunday School meets from 9:30-10:30 am on Sunday mornings (conveniently scheduled between our two Worship Services).  If you have a child age 3 and up, sign them up for Sunday School (Click here to print the Registration form) or you can pick one up in the Narthex at the church.  Drop off or mail the completed form to the church office or bring it with you on a Sunday morning.  If you have any questions, please contact the church office.
Sunday School Teachers / Helpers Needed:
If you would like to help our Sunday School program in any way
(ie: teaching, substitute teaching, being that extra set of hands in a classroom, helping with memory work, taking attendance, etc), please contact the church office or stop in the office on Sunday morning to sign up.  We can always use a spare pair of hands!
Enroll your Child(ren) at Grace Lutheran School:  (Registrations taken year round)
With over 500 young people in our association churches, many of them can benefit greatly from an education based here at Grace Lutheran School.  Let us take you for a tour of the school to get an idea of what Grace Lutheran is like.  We have needs based financial aid with over $100,000 available for your students to attend Grace!   Give us a call 701-232-7747 and set up a Care Visit today!   Their website is:  www.gracelutheranschoolfargo.com
Shepherd’s Hill Summer Camps:  (Register today for summer 2024!)
Shepherd’s Hill at the Crossroads (St. John, ND) offers camps for all ages each summer.  For a full list and description of all their camp programs, pricing and registration information, check out the bulletin board/brochures in the narthex or visit their website: www.shretreat.org.  If you have any questions, call at (701) 244-5225 or email their Executive Director, Rev. Jon Bonine at director@shretreat.org.
Lutheran Island Camps:  (Register today for summer 2024)
Lutheran Island Camp (Henning, MN) offers camps for all ages each summer.  If you are interested in their Horse program, be sure to register early as these weeks are sure to fill up.  For a full list and description of all of their summer camp programs and registration, visit their website: www.islandcamp.org.  There are great programs for all ages. 
Register Now for Sunday School:  (Register Now)   Register your kids Today!
Sunday school will begin Sunday, September 8 at 9:30am.  Please register your child(ren) now for class so that we know how many teachers we need and how much supplies need to be orderedClick here for the Registration FormReturn the completed form to the church office.  Thank you.
Scuba VBS was a Whale of a Success:   (2024)
VBS 2024 Scuba: Diving into Friendship with God was a whale of a success thanks to all our wonderful volunteers, kitchen staff, gracious donations and amazing families that participated!  We had 42 children registered this year who dove into friendship with Jesus.  Additionally, more than 25 volunteers helped run the program.
The children gave more than $307 in offering and donated more than 1,000 items for Operation Christmas Child.  It was a great week that ended with Pastor Chris getting pelted with cool whip pies from all the children!  The girls got to add chocolate syrup to their pies as the girls won the donation challenge.  Thank you to everyone for making this event so successful and fun for the children in our congregation.
Vacation Bible School 2024:   (June 2-6)  
VBS  2024 “Scuba: Diving Into Friendship with God” will be held Sunday, June 2- Thursday, June 6 from 6-8 pm. 
Kids ages four to sixth grade are invited to join us for VBS this summer through Bible story, songs, crafts, games and much more!  To sign up, click here to print the form or pick one up in the narthex, and return the completed form to the church office.  Don’t forget to invite your friends!  A meal will be available from 5:15-5:45 pm everyday at VBS for a free will offering.
Do you have Pictures from Church Events?
If you have pictures from church events and are willing to share them, please let the office know.  You just never know where we might use them…  Thanks!
BSLC offers Grace Lutheran School Tuition Assistance:  (Deadline: Apr 15)
With classes from pre-kindergarten to eighth grade, Grace Lutheran School is a wonderful option for Christ-centered education.  As part of its mission, Beautiful Savior offers tuition remission for GLS.

If you would like to apply for GLS tuition assistance for the 2024-2025 school year, please fill out an application form (click here for the form) and return it to the church by April 15.  If you have any questions about the application form or about our policy, please call Pastor Chris at the church office at 293-1047 or on his cell at (701) 893-6995.
We expect that BSLC scholarships would cover between 50-60 percent of tuition, but it depends on how many families apply. We will let the families know how much tuition assistance they will be receiving from the church in early summer.
New Sunday School format:   (Sept – May)
BSLC offers a Sunday school program for children ages 3 and up conveniently scheduled between our 2 worship services.  Sunday school began on Sunday, September 8 at 9:30 am, with a new “VBS Style” format.
PreK-fourth grade:
    9:30 a.m. – meet in sanctuary for singing and Bible Buddies
    9:45 a.m. – listen to our Bible story for the week
   10 a.m. – break into groups for games and activities
   10:20 a.m. – return to sanctuary for closing
Fifth-eighth grade:
   Will meet in classrooms at 9:30 a.m. and dive right into their LIVE! Lessons. LIVE! offers amazing insight into both the old and new testaments and will help youth live Jesus centered lives as they discover what the Bible is all about. 
Volunteers are needed to lead, co-lead, assist in games, activities, memory work, attendance and assist with the Christmas program. Let Stacy Knudson or Pastor Chris know if you are willing to help our Sunday School program in any way.
VBS was a STELLAR Success:    (2023)
VBS  2023 “Stellar: Shine Jesus’ Light” was a stellar success thanks to all our wonderful volunteers, gracious donations and amazing families that participated!  We had 63 children registered this year to learn how to Shine Jesus’ Light.  Additionally, more than 30 volunteers helped run the program.
It was a great week that ended with Pastor Brian getting pelted with cool whip pies!  The children raised more than $1,400 for Project 24 in Chile, the ND District Mission.  Thank you to everyone for making this event so successful and fun for the children in our congregation.
Crosstraining for BSLC Children:  (None currently scheduled)
Crosstraining meets one Sunday each month from 1-2:30 pm and is for children in first through fifth grades.  Crosstraining involves food (both spiritual and physical), fun and fellowship.  Our next Crosstraining will be Sunday, May 21.  Contact Pastor with any questions.
Sunday School Volunteers Needed:  (Going on Now)
Sunday School wouldn’t be a success without our volunteers!  As the school year approaches, we are looking for people to teach, team-teach, assist in a classroom, help with memory work, take attendance, and assist with the Christmas program.  Let Stacy Knudson or the office know if you would be willing to help our Sunday School program in any way.
Crossfire Youth Praise Band:  (Sundays Sept-May) 
Our youth praise band is in need of you!  Crossfire is for any students in grades 5-12 who love to sing and/or play an instrument.  Practices are usually on Sunday evenings from 7-8 pm.  If you have questions, call the church office or come to the church on Sundays at 7 pm.
Had a MONUMENTAL week at Vacation Bible School!  (2022)
Most importantly, the kids had a great time learning about God!  The pictures to the right were taken on Thursday night during their program.  Click on the picture to see the kids tell you how awesome our God is!  (After it opens, use your zoom feature to see it in full screen.)
Thank you to the parents who drove them to VBS each night.  And a special thank you to all the volunteers who helped make VBS so much fun for our kids!
VBS ~ “Treasured: Discovering You’re Priceless to God”  (Summer 2021)
Jesus loves you! You are a treasure and priceless to God.  Many of our kids’ lives have been flipped upside down.  Now, more than ever, they need to hear these special words to remind them that God knows them, hears them, comforts them, forgives them, and chooses them.  Help kids hold onto the truth that they are God’s greatest treasure!  
Treasured VBS: Discovering You’re Priceless to God was held June 6-10, 2021.  At Treasured VBS, kids discovered God’s greatest treasure isn’t diamonds, gems or gold – it’s them!  Kids participated in memorable Bible-learning activities, sung catchy songs, played teamwork-building games, made and devoured yummy treats, experienced one-of-a-kind Bible Adventures, collected Bible Memory Buddies to remind them of God’s love, and tested out Sciency-Fun Gizmos they took home and can play with all summer long.
Thank You from Operation Christmas Child:  (Dec 2019)
Operation Christmas Child was a great success!  121 awesome shoe box gifts were packed.  That is 121 kids who will experience God’s love for them through a simple gift and who will have the chance to hear about Jesus! Keep these kids in your prayers!  An announcement will be made as soon as we find out what countries our boxes have gone to. 
We had over 70 people participate in the packing party on Nov 17 and many more who donated items for the boxes or money for shipping.  Our Sunday School kids alone collected enough offerings to pay shipping for 28 boxes!  Thanks to everyone’s generosity, we were able to donate shipping for ALL of our boxes!  Special thanks to our “elves” who helped with set up and during the party, solicited some special donations of items, coordinated with Sunday School, and provided church office support.  We thank God for all He has provided and for the opportunity to share His love!
VBS Kids helped battle Malnutrition in Zambia:  (Summer 2019)
This year the offerings received during VBS week went to help battle malnutrition in Zambia, Africa.  Kids at ROAR! VBS joined a mission effort thru World Vision to provide nutrition packets and health checkups for moms and babies in need in Zambia.  The special ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) packets help bring hungry kids back from the brink of death in mere weeks – making this gift a real life-saver!  
Our VBS kids are happy to announce that $390 was collected and donated to this life-saving support to families in Zambia.
VBS Kids helped battle hunger in Haiti:  (Summer 2018)
This year the offerings received during VBS week went to help battle hunger in Haiti.  The island of Haiti has been battling years of drought and hurricanes.  As a result, parents struggle to grow enough food for their families.  Operation Kid-to-Kid is partnering with World Vision to provide Haitian families with drought-tolerant seeds – A $10 gift provides seeds that can grow into food that will feed a child for an entire year.  Our VBS kids are happy to announce that $464 was collected and donated to provide seeds for Haiti.
Sunday School Memory Work:  (2018-2019)
The following not was sent home with all Sunday School children on Sept 17:
“Dear Parents of Sunday School Children:  We would like to encourage talking about God’s word at home.  To help facilitate this, each grade has been given memory work.  Please take some time during the week to work with your child(ren) on their memory work.  We would like each child to be able to have all of it completed by the end of the year.”
In case your child’s memory work sheet has been misplaced, just click on the appropriate link to access it:
      Preschool       Kindergarten       1st Grade       2nd Grade       3rd Grade      4th Grade       5th Grade