How Can I Help on Sunday Mornings?
Beautiful Savior appreciates our current volunteers. But, we can never have too many… and are always looking for more.
Sunday mornings are a busy, fun and exciting time. Why? Because we are all here to worship and magnify the Lord with our honor and praise! As with any event that brings people together, we have many little tasks that need to be tended to every week ~ visitors need to be greeted, bulletins need to be given out, the PowerPoint slideshow needs to be run, the offerings need to be group counted, our children need to be watched in the hallways and taught in the Sunday School rooms, coffee and treats need to be set out and the fellowship hall needs to be tidied up afterwards. So many tasks require a multitude of willing volunteers and we are hoping you’ll step forward and be one of them.
Many Hands Make Light Work:
Following are just some of ways you can contribute your gifts and talents at Beautiful Savior on Sunday mornings:
– Ushers
– Greeters (click here to sign up)
– People to run the PowerPoint Slideshow (click here to sign up)
– People to setup the Altar / Communion
– Sunday School Teachers / Team Teachers
– Sunday School Classroom Assistants
– Sunday School Admin Assistant
– People to bring treats for Fellowship time
– Volunteers to set up and serve Coffee and Treats
– People to clean up after Fellowship
– Singers in the Choir
– Musicians to play in the Praise Band
Some Sundays during the year require additional help. Feel free to step forward to assist with these as the events get closer:
– Children’s Christmas Program
– Advent Fun Shop
– Palm Sunday Party
– Easter Morning
– Vacation Bible School
– Various events throughout the year
As mentioned, many hands make light work! With that said, we would love to have a multitude of volunteers all taking turns with these various tasks. Not only will you help lighten the load for others on Sunday mornings, it is a great way to share your passion for the church and to also meet others in the church at the same time.
How Do I Find Out More?
If you would like to learn more about any of these or want to know how you can serve our congregation, please visit with any member of the Church Council, a Pastor or complete the “Time and Talents” Form located under the Resources Tab of this website. We would love to have you join our Sunday morning team!
Thank you in advance for giving of your talents and time to Glorify the House of the Lord!