Please click on the name of the form to obtain a PDF version of it. If you have any questions, please email or phone our church office.
– Register your child(ren) for Sunday School. Click here to print the Registration Form, complete it and return it to the church office via mail, email or stop by and drop it off.

VBS 2024 “Scuba: Diving Into Friendship with God” will be held Sunday, June 2- Thursday, June 6 from 6-8 pm.
Kids ages four to sixth grade are invited to join us for VBS this summer through Bible story, songs, crafts, games and much more! To sign up, click here to print the form or pick one up in the narthex, and return the completed form to the church office. Don’t forget to invite your friends! A meal will be available from 5:15-5:45 pm everyday at VBS for a free will offering.
Please Note: The whole family is invited to join us for our program Thursday, June 6 at 8pm. We will sing, recite and review what we learned. We look forward to seeing you!
Scuba is for kids from 4 years to 6th grade. For more information, talk to Stacy Knudson or Pastor. Click here for the Registration Form.
– Beautiful Savior offers tuition assistance for members to have their children attend Grace Lutheran School. If your child will be attending GLS in the Fall 2024 and would like to apply for tuition assistance, please complete this form and mail or drop it off at the church office by April 15, 2024.
– Have your church offerings electronically transferred from either your checking or savings account on either a monthly, semi-monthly or
bi-weekly basis. Return the completed form to the church office.
(Note: You may also setup recurring donations thru our website or thru the Vanco GivePlus Mobile App. By using either of these options, you may also choose to donate with your credit card.)
– By completing a pledge card, you are helping the church plan financially for next year. Please complete the form and return it to the church to the attention of the Financial Secretary.
– Sign up to assist on Sunday mornings, help with the Sunday School program, join a committee or various other opportunities to get involved. Return the completed form to the church office.
– Confirmation students are required to take Sermon Notes. They leave the completed form in the basket inside the church office doors.
– This form gives us the information we need to setup your account in our church records. Return the completed form to the church office.
– Return the completed form to the church office.